Millie's House Nursery & Pre-School at Cambridge Avenue is a 92 place day nursery for three month to five year olds. This is situated beside New Malden train station in a beautiful location, close to the local high street.
The nursery is based on two floors and has three separate age appropriate garden areas.The nursery has four purposely designed rooms. Our first room is for up to 18 months age group called our Discoverers. They then transition into our Explorers classroom for children up to two years old. After this they venture onto the second floor of our nursery. On the first floor there are the Inventors who are aged two to three years and then after this they transition to Little Einstein’s which are aged three to five years. All of the rooms are incredibly spacious to allow us to develop different zones within the rooms that incorporate the seven areas of learning within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
Sheila started working with the company in 2009. She holds a level 3 in Early Years Care and Education. Sheila is a team leader for the discoverers and explorers room and also acting maternity cover for as deputy manager.
Sheila loves being hands on with the children and is passionate about
providing a nurturing, stimulating and safe environment so that the children in her care can grow in confidence and independence for their future development.
1a Cambridge Avenue
New Malden
Tel: 020 8942 8195
Opening Times: 7.30am to 6.30pm